Thursday, April 18, 2019

Wood lath from Houdini's 278 for sale

Attention Houdini fans and entrepreneurs! As part of the renovation of Houdini's New York brownstone, original wood lath has been removed to make way for new plumbing and HVAC. Before this goes into the dumpster, the new owners wanted to reach out to the Houdini community to see if anyone would be interested in buying it. You can "name your price", but they would like you to take away a minimum of 20 pieces to make it worth the trouble. Or you can take it all! All proceeds will go back into the renovation of the house.

Below is a pic of the lath before its removal.

I think these pieces could be cut up, heat stamped "Houdini's 278", and sold individually. If I lived in NYC, I would absolutely do this. But I'll leave it to others. You will need to go pick it up. But as a bonus, you'll get to see inside the house!

If interested, please contact me and I will put you in touch.

UPDATE: The lath is now gone, but this was a big success for fans and the home owners. And check this out.



  1. Just for the record, John, it's "lath" as in "lath and plaster". "Lathe" is a woodturning tool.

  2. John, I interested in the Lath.

    1. Great. Send me email. There's quite a bit of interest already.

  3. If it were reasonably priced, I'd buy one of the remnants. Hope someone takes you up on your suggestion to purchase the wood and package pieces.

    1. It appears the bulk of it will be taken away by a Houdini buff and woodworker. So maybe he will do my plan! :)

  4. What are we looking at in the bottom photo? Is this a wall structure that was in the basement of 278?

    1. I believe this is a bathroom. But the pile may have come from several different spots.

  5. I would have used some of it to make wands
