Sunday, June 9, 2019

Master Mystery episode 9 poster scares up $28,500

A poster for Houdini's The Master Mystery episode 9 fetched $28,500 in auction at today. This set what appears to be a new record for a Master Mystery poster by squeaking past an episode 3 that sold for $28,080 in 2016. The auction started at $1.00 (believe it or not) and received 32 bids.

The value of Master Mystery posters vary depending on whether the artwork features escape imagery or The Automaton. As you see here, this poster has a wonderful image of The Automaton (said to be cinema's first movie robot), and those skulls are pretty sweet too! The auction listing also included this interesting nugget of info:

The fact that this is 2019 is also significant! That is because this is no longer a "collectible movie poster", but it is now an "antique movie poster", because just about everybody defines an "antique" as being a century old, and this poster now is a full 100 years old.

In 2013 eMoviePoster auctioned a one sheet from The Grim Game for a whopping $67,166.



  1. The record of $67,166 for a Houdini Movie Poster will stand until the 6-sheet Master Mystery poster is sold or some other lost movie poster surfaces. FWIW: In 2016, a Grim Game One Sheet estimated between $40,000 and $60,000 sold for $20,000 (buyer’s premium not included).

    1. Larger posters don't always mean a bigger sale. Collectors love the 1-sheet size for framing and display. I think the fact that it was a 1-sheet and had sensational escape imagery is what helped The Grim Game reach those heights.

    2. Agreed, they don’t always mean a bigger sale, but gotta believe the one of a kind 6-sheet MM would command quite a bit.

      I also believe the reason the 1 sheet GG poster reached those heights in 2013 was the winner had deep pockets and wasn’t going to get outbid for a second time for something they wanted. There was only 1 bidder in 2016. So It really comes down to if there are two people with deep pockets that really want something.

  2. No, there were multiple bidders in 2016 for #3. We had magic along with movie collectors on that one. D. Haversat

    1. Hi David, I was referring to P&P June 25, 2016 auction that only had 1 bidder for the 1 sheet GG, not your auction for the 1 sheet MM #3.
