Thursday, July 11, 2019

Mystifying man in St. Louis

Here's a terrific caricature of Houdini from the St. Louis Star and Times dated December 15, 1914. Once again this shows that, in his own time, Houdini was as identified with his Needles trick as he was with his escapes.

Houdini appeared at the Columbia during the week of December 14-20, 1914. On December 16, he accepted a challenge from the packers of the Famous-Barr Co. to escape packing case built on stage. On the December 18, Stix, Baer & Fuller Dry Good Co. challenged him to escape their own packing case after being searched and having a carpet laid below case on stage to prevent use of traps.

Needless to say, the "mystifying man" escaped both times.



  1. The artist must have had fun drawing Harry's hair. And he parted it to one side. I wonder if that was what he saw when HH performed at the Columbia.

  2. Thanks for this - it's great. So many drawings show Harry with down-turned eyebrows and intense expression; I love the wide-eyed look of wonder in this one.
