Saturday, September 19, 2020

A dog before Charlie?

Over the past several weeks I've been deep diving into The British Newspaper Archive seeking dates and data for my New Houdini Chronology. Along the way I've stumbled on some interesting tidbits, such as the below from the Manchester Evening News on November 22, 1902.

So does this mean the Houdinis had a dog--a Scotch Collie to be precise--before their famous dog Charlie? Or is Houdini is just helping someone find a lost dog? This is when Houdini was playing St. James Music Hall in Manchester. Note the address he gives is 91 Grosvenor Street. Today it looks like this. No Scotch Collies in sight.

Afraid that's all I have for this one. Just another Houdini mystery. Click below for more adventures of the Houdinis pets.


1 comment:

  1. Nice catch John! Those small classified ads HH put out now and then for items to add to his collection, or assistants for his 3 in 1 made him more human and less larger than life. If it was his dog it must have been lost soon after acquiring it. Could have also been for somebody like a friendly neighbor. Harry wasn't above these kinds of small favors for those he could help.
