Saturday, June 12, 2021

Hardeen dies at Doctors Hospital in 1945

We spend endless amounts of time going over every detail of Houdini's death. But the death of Hardeen rarely gets discussed. I admit I don't know many of the details. But we all love Dash, so here is the death announcement that ran in The Brooklyn Daily Eagle 76 years ago today.

Brooklyn Daily Eagle, June 12, 1945

I believe the operation Dash underwent on May 30 was for his ulcers and his death was the result of an infection. Although I'm not positive of that.

Doctors Hospital was located at 170 East End Avenue, between 87th and 88th Streets on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. It was razed in 2005 and today is the site of a condominium building. The hospital's Wikipedia page notes Hardeen as one of its famous patients.


  1. There's a typo in this story about my grandfather's death. John found it. Anyone else? (PS...I'm an editor)

  2. The daughter Gladys? Hardeen only had two sons, I believe. Gladys was his surviving sister. The secrets died with Hardeen...Not exactly.

  3. * Wife: The proper spelling should be "Elzie".
    * Daughter: He didn't have one (Agree with Leo Hevia).

  4. Not sure if George wants to play quizmaster, but I'll just jump in and say these aren't correct. Elsie is the correct spelling and Hardeen had a daughter named Gladys (although her origin is little unclear -- might have been a stepdaughter). You can see a pic of her HERE.

  5. Ok, Take 2:

    Birth Name: Ferenc Dezso Weisz...and Birthplace was Budapest.

    No prize for me...I had to check THIS website!

    1. Well, yes, you are correct about that. But that actually isn't the "typo" George is thinking about.

  6. Oh, it should be "394" (NOT "537") E. 21st. street.

    (hopefully that's what George was referring we can finally put this thread to rest :P )

    1. They moved to "537" in 1921.

      Okay, I'll spill.

      It's saying Dash had a son named "Houdini." His name was Harry Houdini Hardeen. That's George's father.

    2. I don't get it. The name is correct. That's the typo?

    3. Should be Harry. He never went by "Houdini".
