Thursday, November 18, 2021

Steve Canyon's Grim Game

Steve Canyon was an adventure comic strip written and illustrated by Milton Caniff that ran from January 13, 1947 until June 4, 1988. Below is an installment from 1984 with a signed notation thanking the late great Houdini collector and historian Manny Weltman for his help with a reference to The Grim Game.

I don't think I need to explain that what Steve is recalling is the climatic airplane action from Houdini's 1919 film. You can read more about that via the links below. And watch for my own personal remembrance of Manny Weltman coming soon.

Thanks to Joe Fox.



  1. Steve Canyon SAW "The Grim Game"? Do they explain in another panel how he knew Larry Weeks?

  2. That is so cool. Can’t wait for more Manny!

  3. Looking forward to your memories of Manny...he and his wife Nan did so much that was possible, (pre-internet) to research and document Houdini. Before there was "click and print", Manny went thru reams of hard copy documents and periodicals...looking at miles of microfilm and more for others to benefit by.
