Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Bandwagon travels with The Houdinis and the Welsh Bros.

The latest issue of The Bandwagon, The Journal of the Circus Historical Society, has a stellar cover article by Greg Parkinson about The Houdinis and the Welsh Bros. Circus. The article is extremely well-researched and thoroughly annotated and offers new information about The Houdinis two tours, as well as Welsh Bros. history in general. Highly recommended!

The Bandwagon is sent quarterly to members of the Circus Historical Society. To join, visit their official website.

Thank you Chris Berry.


  1. This article was extremely helpful with my chronology. The photo of the 1898 Welsh Bros. Route Card was like a gift from heaven!

    1. Interesting!!! Any way to purchase this issue?

    2. There's a link to buy back issues on the Circus Historical Society website, but I still think you need to be a member to do so.
