Monday, February 28, 2022

Inside History covers Houdini vs Hodgson

The UK magazine Inside History features Houdini on the cover of their latest issue (#10). Inside is a look at Houdini's torturous 1902 challenge in Blackburn.

In 1902, Harry Houdini came to entertain the town of Blackburn. As always, he set a challenge to the locals to produce locks that he could not escape from. William Hodgson took on the challenge that nearly brought down "The Handcuff King". 

You can purchase Inside History Issue 10 or read the digital version for free via their official website.


  1. Any chance the whole Hodgson kerfuffle was staged? Not leaning in that direction, but wondering.

    1. I think it was painfully real.

    2. I think so too but entertained a second thought. He might have posted this episode in his diary.

