Sunday, April 21, 2024

Magic mural in Wauseon, Ohio

Houdini is one of the gang on this mural depicting famous magicians in Wauseon, Ohio. The Magic Corner building is owned and operated by Dr. Kenneth P. Ladd, a magician and Ph.D. in clinical psychology. You just never know where you'll find Harry!

MAGIC IN THE MAKING … Artist Chris McDaniels – who works under the moniker “Zen Mullet” for Columbus-based business Artisan Rooms – begins putting the finishing touches on Harry Houdini during his final day of work on a Wauseon mural depicting the history of magic. Shown at the center, levitating a woman, is building owner and magician Dr. Kenneth P. Ladd.


  1. Hey I met Dr Ladd after a show I did a couple of weeks ago at the Leisure Time Winery up in Napoleon, OH. He gave me his card during a quick couple of minutes chatting. His daughter was with him and they were super nice. He mentioned his museum. So cool to see this!

  2. Hey this is Michael Griffin. Have no idea why it posted me as anonymous,,,,hey wait, does it have anything to do with me being in witless protection? hey wait, I shouldnt have said that,,,,argh LOL

  3. I spent a lot of time in Wauseon Ohio as a kid. family friends parents owned a farm there. I had no Ideas such a rich magic history was from there

