Thursday, September 8, 2022

Hardeen on the air

I've done several posts about Houdini's many radio broadcasts (and bemoaned the fact that not a single recording seems to have survived). So for a change, here's news of a 1928 broadcast by Hardeen. His topic: Houdini, of course!

The Scranton Republican, June 25, 1928.

Hardeen was playing three days at the Capitol Theater in Scranton, Pennsylvania, when he gave this talk on June 25. Below is a terrific ad for that appearance.

The Times Tribune, June 25, 1928.

The good news is we do have a surviving Hardeen radio broadcast which you can listen to HERE.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! The shows in Scranton marked his return to the stage. Hardeen was using radio to promote his show. Too bad this interview wasn't preserved.

