Mega collector
Arthur Moses has made an exciting discovery in a newly acquired French film magazine,
Bulletin Paramount, from February 1922. As you can see on the page below, there are three French
Terror Island posters featured. The poster with Houdini in the bamboo neck stocks
surfaced in 2005 and sold at auction for $12,650. But the other two larger posters, as far as I know, have never been seen before!
One poster shows Houdini/Howard Hillary in his pith helmet fighting off a native. The other shows Houdini/Hillary being chained to a chair by thugs (this sequence is, unfortunately, missing from the surviving print of the film).
Click to enlarge. |
Oh to see these posters in color! Maybe we will someday.
Merci Arthur.
Incredible find by Arthur. I have seen matching stills for two of them: helmet fighting off a native (318-55) and chained to chair by thugs (318-23), but I have never seen those posters before anywhere; as you know they are not in the press book. Thanks for sharing.